Saturday, August 23, 2014

Update On My Daughter, The World Racer #11n11

Back in July my daughter, Smooch headed out of the country for a year. She became a World Racer and will be going with her team to 11 different counties. It’s just amazing to me what she’s doing with her life.

You’d think, oh my gosh, traveling the world as a 21 year old, seeing so many different cultures, hanging out with friends would be easy. Not so much. It’s been quite a spiritual journey for her so far. Can you imagine being in one place, feeling like you want to be somewhere else, doing something else, while knowing this is where God wants you?
Horse and Smooch

Photo by Stephany Hernandez

At the beginning of July Smooch gave an awesome update on the work they’ve been doing and how God is growing her. She decided to give up chocolate so I joined her for the month of August and haven’t eaten chocolate for the month. I’ve thought about chocolate a lot, which has turned my thoughts towards my daughter lifting her up in prayer. Fred has been good about helping me remember. At our Lock-In for the young adults I stuck one of those frozen eclairs in my mouth and as I started to chew, remembered there was chocolate on the top, screamed, and spit it out. hahahaha
Futbol in Bulgaria
Photo by Stephany Hernandez

I wanted to share with you some photos of my daughter and her friends so you can see some of what they’re living.

I’m also asking for you to pray for her: her health (she’s been really sick because her body doesn’t digest oils well and she’s vegan), the team’s safety, that God would continue to use them.
Bulgaria Sunrise and Sunset
Also, see the top right button on my blog? You can give a tax deductible donation to help her continue on this year long journey. She’s only half way to her goal and needs to have about $8000 more to stay with her team for the rest of the time. Yes, that’s a lot of money, but we have a big God who can do big things!
Photo by Emily Arzani
In the Word
Photo by Emily Arzani
The field
Photo by Emily Arzani
Family Meal
Photo by Emily Arzani
Smooch by Emily Arzani
Photo by Emily Arzani
Color Walls
Photo by Emily Arzani
Smooch and girl
Photo by Emily Arzani
Exploring Sofia before Skopie Macedonia
11 n 11 feet
That’s my girl and her team! I’m in awe of her and so proud to call her my daughter. To God be the glory!

You can give:



Anonymous said...

What amazing work these young people are doing! We have a friend who just came home from Nambia.

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

What an amazing experience for your daughter! :)

Melanie said...

What a life-altering experience! I hope you are able to share more of your daughter's travels. I wish I had traveled more when I was younger. There's so much world to see!

SensiblySara said...

I love that photo of your daughter leaning against the wall! And, yes, I'll sure pray for her and her friends!

valmg said...

That is awesome that she is traveling and living a full life at a young age. I tell my oldest that now is the best time to do that! I hope she raises enough.

Mellisa said...

What a brave girl! That takes so much courage to travel the world but it comes with so many rewards.

Ninja Wifey said...

I'm not sure I completely understand what a World Racer is, but what an incredible experience. Wishing her luck!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like she's having a time of her life, all while doing Gods work - LOVE IT!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Wow, that's beyond amazing! She's accomplishing a lot at 21 years old. It would have been my dream to travel the world at that age. :-)

Kerri said...

What a great journey for your daughter! She will remember this forever!

Liz Mays said...

Such a life changing experience! That is so incredibly awesome, Mimi.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.