Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for the If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe audiobook by Rhonda Stoppe, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours! I think many of us want to find ways to make our marriages healthier in one way or another. No marriage is perfect. Be sure to check out the Q & A below!
About the Book

Title: If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe
Author: Rhonda Stoppe
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Release Date: August 1, 2015
Audiobook Publisher: ChristianAudio
Audiobook Release Date: January 7, 2025
Genre: NonFiction, Self-Help, Christian Marriage, Christian Women
What's really keeping you from enjoying a better marriage?
"If my husband would change, I'd be happy" and "I'm falling out of love with him" are among several common myths that lead women to search for marital happiness in all the wrong places. In this book, author Rhonda Stoppe shares, with candor and humor, how to enrich your relationship with your husband (even if he doesn't change). Along the way you'll read many helpful stories and real-life examples from other couples and discover:
- how to deal with unfulfilled longings
- the secret to keeping your husband's attention
- 10 keys to a happy marriage.
Let this book help you realize God's highest good for your marriage!
Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter.
PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Christianaudio | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Audiobook Excerpt
*The audiobook is available for FREE with the 3 month Audible Trial at .99cents per month.*
Also Available

Were there any topics that were hard to cover?
Oh wow, yes. I think the hardest topics to cover are the ones that resonated with my own story. In my family of origin, I come from a long line of broken marriages. It was hard to talk about the secrecy behind closed doors ––when Christian couples attempt to act like they’re fine when in reality the foundation of their marriage was crumbling down around them. I know the insecurity that comes to a child when they’re worried their parents might divorce. The chapters that talked about this type of hypocrisy brought up memories of my own childhood. The Bible says that we comfort others with the comfort that we ourselves have been comforted. I think my experience as a child has equipped me to come along side of couples who are tempted to hide their struggles. If it helps someone else have the courage to reach out for help, the experience has been worth the pain.
Did you pull any examples from your own life as a wife?
In the very first chapter of If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy I tell the story of how I knew I was not the wife I had hoped I would be. I knew the danger of dwelling upon how my husband wasn’t measuring up to my expectations, and yet, the habit had become so familiar I didn’t know how to break the cycle. My help came when I reached out to older women whose marriages I wanted to emulate. I needed real life examples of happy marriages that lasted a lifetime. Titus 2 calls the older women to teach the younger how to love their husbands, and that is exactly what I learned from these older friends. They weren’t perfect. The were real and they genuinely shared with me from their own successes and failures. I always say “Old Ladies Know Stuff” ––which happens to be the name of my podcast. I am confident that the friendships I made with these older women were transformational in the way I learned to love my husband for who he is and not who I wanted him to be. That’s why I wrote this book, so that I can share insights with my readers to help them become the wife they had hoped they would be on the day they said “I Do”.
What was your favorite topic to discuss?
Honestly, my favorite topic to discuss is “Staying In Love”. I think that marriages should be marked by a deep adoration for their spouse––especially Christian marriages. And yet, amidst the cares of life, it’s easy to fall into a sort of status quo in our relationships. We forget to enjoy one another. I love helping wives learn the secret to becoming the wife their husband can’t wait to come home to. I am so encouraged every time I hear from a wife who has read this book. One woman recently approached me at a speaking engagement. She asked me to sign her book, and said, “This book saved my marriage. I had no idea what I was doing to undermine our relationship until I read this book!"
What do you hope wives will take away from your book?
I have been crazy in love with my husband for 43 years. That kind of love does not just happen. Rather, it is a product of daily choosing to think lovingly toward your spouse. It’s deciding not to keep record of their wrongs. And most importantly, I want a wife to understand that the path toward loving her husband deeply does not lie in how well he measures up to her expectations. Rather, the secret to loving her husband well lies in how deeply she loves Christ. Jesus said the priority of life is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. In marriage, one cannot love their spouse with God’s unconditional agape love unless they have first grown their love for Christ. Jesus said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He is more interested in helping you love your spouse than you ever could imagine. Because a loving marriage reflects His love to a watching world that is desperate to believe that what you say you believe about Jesus is really true––beginning with your own children. When you make it your life’s goal to fall deeper in love with Christ through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with others who love Him, you will have found the secret to loving your husband well––because His love will spill out of your heart and onto your spouse.
What is one thing you wish men knew was a myth about wives?
Your wife wants to know that you see her. That you hear her. That you’re listening, not only to the words she’s saying, but to the feelings she is wrestling with behind those words. Most wives wish their husbands would be more attentive, tell them when they look pretty, and schedule quality time with her. Your wife is likely less interested in the amount of money you spend on a date night than she is in the fact that you made time to be with her. The Bible calls husbands to live with their lives in an understanding way. That means you have to go to school on your wife. You have to learn what makes her tick. Understand when her hormonal imbalances make her a little crazy––and take some of the pressure off of her during those times. She wants you to romance her by helping her get the kids fed and to bed early, so she’s not too worn out to take you to bed. Be her friend. She is lonely. She wants you to put down your phone and listen as she shares her heart with you. She wants you to talk to her. Share the ideas rolling around in your head. Laugh with her. And buy her chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate!
About the Author

Rhonda Stoppe captivates audiences with her honest, relatable, and biblically grounded teaching. As a bestselling author of seven books and the host of the awarded podcast "Old Ladies Know Stuff," she has a powerful voice in the realms of family and faith. Rhonda is a sought-after speaker, appearing on national and international TV and radio, and is known for her engaging presentations at women's events, homeschool conferences and MC for events like the Legacy Grandparenting Summit. Her episode on Moms Raising Sons at Focus on the Family was recognized in their "Best of Episodes." With nearly 40 years of ministry alongside her pastor husband, Rhonda understands the complexities of balancing marriage, parenting, ministry, and homeschooling. The Stoppes are proud parents of four adult children and grandparents to fifteen.
Connect with Rhonda by visiting NoRegretsWoman.com to follow her on social media, receive a free gift, and subscribe to email newsletter updates.
Tour Giveaway
(3) winners will each receive a downloadable resources bundle which includes A Christian Woman's Guide to Great Sex in Marriage by Rhonda Stoppe (audiobook), The Marriage Money Myth - Does More Money Really Mean Less Stress? by Steve & Rhonda Stoppe (ebook), and Your Marriage Can Survive Toddlers & Teens with Rhonda Stoppe (video)!
Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight January 14, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on January 21, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.
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