Have you heard of the ministry called Moms in Touch International? It is an organization that calls moms to pray. To pray for their children, their schools, and for other children. I've been part of our local MITI group for 10 yrs now.
Here is what their Purpose Statement is:
*To pray that our children will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, then stand boldly in their faith.
*To pray for teachers and staff.
*To pray that teachers, administrative staff, and students would come to faith in Jesus Christ.
*To provide support and encouragement to moms who carry heavy burdens for their children.
*To pray that our schools will be directed by biblical values and high moral standards
*To be an encouragement and a positive support to our schools
We live in a small town and our group typically has 5-6 regular prayer warriors who show up once a week to cover our schools and children in prayer. We all try to make it as our lives allow. We also have an amazing Grandmas In Touch group that meets year round. Our group has prayed with them before and I tell you what, the devil better run for the hills when these grandmas pray! If you homeschool, I would encourage you to start a group of ladies praying together as well.
Our MITI group is a conglomerate of ages because we're so small. We cover elementary-career age children. I have a feeling I'll be in MITI for the rest of my life. I have one in every school: Elementary, Middle, High, and College! From here I suppose I'll just join that grandma group!

If you would be interested in finding a location nearest you, visit the Moms In Touch website. The first page highlights the upcoming event. Online registration is closed, but you can register once you get there. There's no cost and if you have young children, you will need to check each location to see if childcare is provided. Right below the title Arise! Cry Out! you will see that you can "Click here" to find a location near you. The list is listed alphabetically by state and then by church.
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