Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party @ 5 Minutes for Mom!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010
I'm ready to Party! Although, I'm not much of a partier and I prefer to be the planner, and surprise parties are THE. BEST.

If you're new to my site I'd love to tell ya a bit about myself.
  • Mom of 4 ~ Oldest is a Freshman in college, youngest is a 1st grader

  • Was a SAHM for 15 yrs & now work @ a hardware store part time ~ I like power tools!

  • Been blogging for over 2 yrs ~ more recently in the product review area

  • I live in Central Minnesota and often wonder why I left Washington

  • Reading is a passion and Historical Christian Fiction is my preferred genre
So, what's a party without any goodies? Well, the ladies at 5 Minutes for Mom have gotcha covered! They have lined up a whole host of prizes given by companies as well as mom bloggers! How lucky for everyone? If I were to win, what would be my #1 choice? Well, I'd have to say the Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025. That's the grand prize!! Hey, I may as well start at the top, right?
Well, since the prizes are slipping away quickly, I thought I'd try and make this easier on Pamela who is tirelessly plugging away at choosing winners through Here's my updated list from what is left at 10:40pm Sunday night:
#67, #79, #90, #94, #97, #102, #110, #111, and #115. Actually, those are pretty much in the order I'd like to win. Oh, please pick me!!
Here's my list of hopeful winnings in case I'm the the Big Kahuna in the end:
  1. 6 – Hand Stamped Personalized Necklace valued at $48 The Double Stacked A Lot Of Love

  2. 8 – Buds to Bloom Photo Tile Necklace

  3. 11 –A $100 gift eCertificate to
  4. 39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn

  5. 52 – A $25 GC to
  6. 55 – A $20 GC to
68 – Scents of your choice! Choose your very own Full-Size Authentic Scentsy Warmer and 3 wax scents!
73 – We will give away 2 (1 for each winner) – $30 Amazon gift cards to the winner so they can buy items of their choosing
87 – 2 winners will receive a $30.00 Amazon Gift Certificate
88 – $25 E-Gift card to!
95 – $100 Gift Certificate to – Choose from over 13,000 restaurants nationwide – redeem online and print your gift certificate(s)
USC 3 – A $50.00 Target Gift Card
USC 8 – $55
E-Gift Card for Gift code will be emailed to the winner and can be used for purchases from
USC 15 – $50 Target gift card to one winner
USC 36 – $25 gift card
USC 39 – A $50 paypal cash prize for one winner
USC 60 – For one winner a $200 gift certificate for any Wall Slicks vinyl wall decal of your choice.
Yep, you don't see any stuff for little kids because my boys are too old for some of the seriously awesome prize options such as:
  1. $50 gift certificate to shop our tagless baby apparel

  2. A custom-made tutu for a baby or little girl

  3. Prize package of preschool toys!

  4. One BPA-free Baby Dipper Bowl with spoon and fork

  5. One complete baby outfit from our Gaga for Mama line
  6. A foldable baby change pad with a handle to carry or sling over a stroller
The awesome prizes don't end there. There's food, children's book, jewelry, gift certificates, blog designs, you name it, it's probably there! Would you like to participate? There are instructions that will give you all the details here:

Everything You Need To Know About The Ultimate Blog Party 2010


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Any questions you get about photoshop let me know and I'll give you a hand. I have two sons myself (12 and 8) and I work full time as well as the photog business. It's all a handful but blogging helps level things out. Party on!

Ms D said...

nice to meet you! Hey, when I clicked on your link, it did not bring up your blog, it said not found? So I clicked on the link it provided to get to you. Just wanted to let you know this! Anyways, happy party week :)

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

So nice to meet you Mimi! Wow - that is quite an age range of kids. You must be a pro. :)

Unknown said...

Your blog looks great. The header is absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

Howdy - So glad to have you taking part in the Ultimate Blog Party this year. Your blog design is darling. I couldn't imagine having a 1st grader and a college-aged kid...but that actually seems like it would be a lot of fun! Have fun party hopping!

tiff snedaker said...

It's fun to get to know you. That's fun that you work at a hardware store. I'm sure you are learning lots of new things there :) Your kids are beautiful and I love your blog! Party on :)

Party With Tiff (UBP post)

Tina said...

I secretly love power tools too!

janetfaye said...

I am stopping by from the UBP to say hello!

Your blog is adorable! I love the design and the colors.

Erin @ Closing Time said...

I'm just stopping by to say hi. You have a beautiful blog! :)

Unknown said...

Found you via the party! Love the "I love power tools" line! Have a great day.

Susie Buetow said...

Stoppin’ in on the #ubp10 hop!! Love your blog and I’m your follower & twitter follower! I love meeting new peeps! Love your post!

@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life (

Michelle said...

Enjoy the Ultimate Blog Party.
Stopping by to say `Hi`

Tina said...

Stopping by to party on your blog. Nice to meet you & cheerS!

Stop by my blog anytime I love visitors!

A Mom's Take said...

Stopping by from UBP 2010! Come visit me too:

Maria and Michelle said...

I've really been wanting to read more, I can't wait to look through what you've read and pick out a book!

I'm excited to look around more. Stop by FTSN for some peanut butter pie when you have time!

~ Michelle

Mominin said...

Hi! I'm here from the UBP! I'm off to check out the rest of your blog. Happy partying!

Erin said...

Wow I'm definitely coming back to visit you some more. I'm following you on GFC. I hope you'll come follow along with our chaos at See you soon.

Unknown said...

HI and so nice to meet you. I have 3 boys here, 17, 13 and 10. I also love Christian music and have a few vlogs on my blog that Ihave done..I sing and write..and care for my mom. Have fun at the blog party hun..

Cryssloves said...

Power tools eh... where was your blog when I tried to drill a hole in the wall last week *sigh*

I'm many things but savvy with power tools isn't one of them.

Happy UBP

Yoly @ YNR Live said...

Stopping by from UBP! Nice to meet you Mimi.

Have fun partying :)

Monique said...

Hi Mimi! My name is Monique. Your blog is so pretty. I like how you have an assortment of everything on it. I had fun browsing through your library! Well, just wanted to say "hi" and happy blog-hopping!
Cheers ❀

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hi, Mimi. Stopping in here from the UBP! Hope you have a chance to visit me, too:

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What a great blog....

Blog hopping and having a many great blogs....This is a GREAT party.
I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment.
I am number....294 and 295......


TIFFANY said...

Hi! Just stopping by from UBP10. Can't wait to wander through the rest of your blog! I'm having so much fun with the party!

Stop by and say hi sometime.


Maria and Michelle said...

Since the pie wasn't ready when you came by earlier, we thought you might like a bedtime snack...

Sweet Dreams! ~ Maria & Michelle @ FTSN

Unknown said...

Wow! Your kiddos are pretty spread apart huh? I was like that with my siblings--9 years between me and the next one (there were 4 of us)! I have four kiddos as well...but somehow they all wound up spaced almost 3 years apart...and we didn't plan it that way!

Tracy said...

Stopping by from UBP10 to say Hi.

@Dayngr said...

Hi! This is my first time visiting. I surfed in from 5 Minutes for Mom. Looking forward to getting to reading more as we go. If you'd like to read it, my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post can be found at Dayngrous Discourse. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

Laura said...

Stopping by UBP 2010 - my first! I follow Max Lucardo on Twitter. He has very inspiring tweets.

Unknown said...

Nice to "meet" you. I am a Minnesota girl but living in Alaska now due to my hubby being active duty Army.

Krissy @ ArtsyMom said...

Found you from UBP! I'm having a great time reading some new blogs and finding some new favs! Following your blog! Hoping you'll visit back and do the same!

Lucy said...

Nice to meet you. How helpful it must be to have a college age child to help with the little one. My brother was in college when I was in first grade and he was my superhero.


pippasmum said...

Thanks for stopping by! It must be exciting being a mother to four! I love animals and Christian fiction too so I get the whole horse farm dream! Have fun at the party!

Jeanine said...

what a great idea to post the blogs you have visited! that is creative! hope you get a chance to stop by mine. have fun partying :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, hope visit my blog, so that I can join the list of those you have visited! :)

Beverly said...

Hi there,
So nice to meet you at your lovely blog. I hope you are enjoying the party so far!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Monique said...

Mimi "bigguysmama"... How can you manage 3 blogs with 4 kiddos?! I have a hard time keeping up with my blog plus my pup haha! You have such a lovely family. Sitting at Nascar just so happened to be luck "was there at the right time". Fun! Good job listing all the blogs you've visited on your site!
Happy blog-hopping :)

Twitter: hockey_wife

Christian Frugal Mama said...

:) So nice to meet yu! You sure are a country girl! I'm a city girl. LoL. Happy Blog Party and here’s my party post if you get a chance:

I’d love your input on my new meme Mom Monday! Since it’s new, I’m trying to get it all worked out and let others know about it. :) Have a fantastic weekend!

silly eagle books said...

I love how you linked to all the people you have visited! So clever. And I love the name of your blog--beautiful. Nice to meet you!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great to meet you! Wow - one in college and one in 1st grade! That is a wide range of ages! What a blessing!

Tamara B. said...

Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Hi Mimi,
Reading is my passion too. Nice to meet you. Happy partying!

giggling kids said...

I am your newest follower! I found your blog through UBP! Please feel free to stop by my blog!

Jackie said...

Stopping by to say hello. It's nice to meet you!

Liz Mays said...

Well, now I just had to visit my dear friend, Mimi for the UBP! I'm not supposed to be typing or using these hands..but I adore you!!!!

I hope we win big, don't you? :)

amy said...

Party hopping from UBP! Love your blog. Hope you can pop over to mine and pick up some money saving tips!

Susan said...

Hi! Just stopping in for the party! Is Mimi your nickname? My grankids call me Mimi. Hope you will stop by my blog and I hope you will stop by for a visit. Have a great weekend and happy blog hopping!

TwinHappyJen said...

Just stopping in from the UBP! :-) I love planning parties myself... think I'd rather plan a party then actually attend it :-p

Life Without Pink said...

I LOVE how you included the blog buttons of the ones you visited...great idea and wish I thought of that! Your blog is the sweetest and I will be back to check more out. Thanks for coming by mine as well!

Joelle {Island Homemaker} said...

Hi Mimi! Nice to meet you!

Terri Dell said...

Just visiting from the UBP and wanted to say hi.

Kim said...

Hi Mimi,

Thanks for stopping by Living in Love with Jesus. I'm excited to have the chance to be introduced to your blog. Blogging in the area of product reviews is a very cool idea. I'll bet you learn about some great things. Hope to drop by again soon.

Anonymous said...

Every girl should have a few power tools :) My favourite is my nail gun. So many handy uses ....

Anonymous said...

I need to make myself a blog button now LOL. Hope you're enjoying the party!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Visiting from UBP - how exciting it must be to have four kids of various ages in the house. I have only one and struggling to find time for everything I want to do. Happy partying!

Stacey said...

Love that you are working at a hardware store because you love power tools! So fun! Enjoy the UBP!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Thanks for commenting on my UBP post:

I love your header, by the way!
And, the 'blogs I visited' buttons, how did you do that?!?!
You have a great blog, I am subscribing and following to catch up - nice to have *met* you!
Happy partying!

{ps. I like power tools too. LOL}

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos

Ashley said...

I'm a homeschooling SAHM mom of two littles (3 & 1.5). I'm a born-again Christian, and I'm currently working on my MA in Ministry. I'm not your typical "mommy blogger", but I enjoy reading mommy blogs just the same.

Happy UBP!

SugarPlumsMomma said...

Blog hopping from UBP2010! Really enjoyed looking around your blog - will definitely be back.


Cynthia said...

LOVE your blog!! Following you from MBC. Please come follow me too :)

I'm fairly new to blogging and I keeping see all the post about the blog party but I'm a little confused. I think I missed the start date though. Sounds like fun!! I can't wait to read all your future posts!! :)

Cynthia said...

Oh just wanted to let you know that I now have your button on my blog :)

Goodies for Mom said...

Just “party hopping!” Very, very nice to “meet you” :) So many blogs, so little time!! LOL!

What a neat idea to highlight all the ones you visited. I've only made it to about 30 so I need to get working to catch up ;)


Visit my party post at:

annaed_2 said...

Hey cyber friend, I'm just hopping around for the UBP! I enjoy stopping in here and seeing what you are up to. Have you ever thought of sending your posts out via e-mail. I follow them much better than the Google thing. Just asking. ;-) Hope you win something great! -DDM

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

Great to meet you, and it looks like I could learn so much from you in the blog world. I really love the "feel" of your blog home. We also share our love of historical christian fiction, and if you get to live on a ranch, I hope I get to be your neighbor on the ranch next door. ;)

Much peace to you,

lovelyritaann said...

Great blog you have! Nice idea of showing who you've visited. I don't think I have time to document it. I'm hoping just to make it through the list :)

Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party ’10 post!

Become a reader & stay informed of upcoming giveaways!

Lisa said...

So nice to meet you! Thanks for coming by Extravagant Grace! Happy partying!

tiarastantrums said...

so nice to meet you! You are one busy momma! Thanks for stopping by

Katharine said...

Nice to meet you, I am mom to four as well.. you have a lovely blog! Blessings on your day!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by from UBP! Hope you're having fun Blog hopping. You have a nice looking blog. I am now a follower.

Please stop by mine sometime.


Christine said...

What a lovely place you have here... So happy to have found you! I have always enjoyed reading and christian historical fiction happens to be my favorite!

Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment.

I'll be back soon,


Tamona said...

Hey there Mimi! You are living my dream on a ranch in the boonies. I saw your post on another site saying you lived in the boonies and I just have to tell you, there is no such thing when coupons are involved lol! I love your blog and you have a beautiful family, I hope to see you at my party soon!

dcg4US said...

Nice to meet you. I am UBP 2.160 - This whole idea is great! It makes it easier to find people with common interests. I look forward to checking out your blog. Thanks for being here :)

Evelyn said...

Hi Mimi!
Grabbed your button and twitter friended you. Love your site and one day when I grow up I hope to look as good as you! :) Glad to have found you via UBP10. This is a great learning party.


Anonymous said...

Stopping from UBP! I have really enjoyed visiting your site and getting to know more about you!

We love to go to hardware stores as a family.

Cakeblast said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog from UBP. I enjoyed reading your post with bulleted facts about you! Wow, one in college and another in first grade. Children at both ends of the educational rainbow.

What a creative use for Inlinkz, allowing you to keep track of everyone you have visited from UBP.

I am now following you on Google and Twitter. Enjooy the rest of the party!

Unknown said...

stopping by from UBP! Hope you are having a wonderful week. If you get a chance I would love to have you over for a visit at

HSUper Parents said...

Hi and nice to meet you! Your kids are lovely. I strive to have 3-4 kids, but we'll see how this first one goes. I've followed you on Twitter, GFC, and Networked Blogs. Feel free to stop by and visit. Happy UBP10!

Hallie said...

This is my first time of taking part in the glad to find your blog! Can't wait to keep reading!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimi! Nice to meet you! I'm stopping by via UBP. I enjoyed reading your blog and will be visiting again!You have so much going on here, you did a really great job!

I hope you can stop by our blog: is a mom owned newly launched site.

Have a beautiful day

Jaime said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Theresa said...

Wow Mimi, you are enjoying the UBP. That is so cool how you posted all the blogs you visited in your post! Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is my first UBP so I am learning as I go. Look forward to reading your blog.

furygirl3132 said...

Hello! Just stopping by from the UBP10 and am following you. Love your blog and look forward to reading more. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming weekend!


Caroline said...

Beautiful blog!
UBP10 Visitor!
Come Visit!

Eileen Rhoadarmer said...

Having a great UBP! Wow, you've visited a lot more than I have! Of course, I left that to the last minute (as usual.) It's always nice to find book blogs--that's what I've mainly been looking for, since I blog about my writing (currently as slush pile junkie, but that first publication will happen any day now...) as well as parenting. I hope you'll come by to visit at

LivingforGod said...

Thanks so much, Mimi, for your sweet comment on my blog! I enjoyed getting to know you better from reading this post. already visited 130 blogs! I'm still working on my first 20 blogs :).

Marina@EBMR said...

What a lovely bloggy home. I'm glad you visited and yes I def follow you now.

Love your list of I thought I was the only one having probs narrowing down.

Have a beautiful day Mimi!!

Angie said...

Can you believe it's the last day of the party! So many blogs, so little time! What beautiful family you are!
I can see you enjoyed the party! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Mimi!

Stopping by from 5 Minutes For Mom's UBP2010, I'm fashionably late as per usual, but that's not stopping me!

You have a terrific blog.

Thank you, I've really enjoyed my visit.

I am now your newest follower. Come and visit me at Brea's Befuddled Brain and if you like what you see, help me achieve my goal of reaching 100 followers by my birthday on 2nd May. If I make it, I'm doing a give-away to celebrate!

I hope to see you soon!

Mwah x x x

Set Apart Living Mama said...

I'm a Jesus freak too!!! :) Thank you for stopping by and the kind words. I'm your newest follower and hope you come by again!

Lisa @ fulfilling my purpose said...

Thanks for stopping by my place! It's always nice to meet another Jesus Freak :-)


Mommafo said...

Wow, you're definitely an overachiever! :)

Cindy W. said...

Love your blog. I've been visting several tonight.

Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W


Tara said...

So great to meet you at UBP10!!! Please visit my site at!

LivinOurDash said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog during the UBP and for the compliments! I love how you posted all of the blogs you visited!

Kristen @ Moms Sharpening Moms said...


Thank you so much for visiting our neck of the woods over at Moms Sharpening Moms! I love your idea of listing all the blogs you visited with photos...BRILLIANT! Your blog is beautiful...clearly you got this blog thing down!

So nice to meet you! Have a wonderful weekend!

Susie Buetow said...

Wow I love how you added the links of those you visited! I'm going to steal your idea for next year, OK? haha Very very cool!

COme back and see if you were one of the winners of my 2 cookbooks!!!


@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life

Mikki said...

Hey there~
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! You've got quiet the place here!! Love it!!

Hope to be back to visit again soon!

Abbi said...

I am with you on the historical Christian fiction. I really enjoy reading that too those these days I do a lot of non-fiction reading.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Hey Winner!
You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -


Unknown said...

Hi stopping by from UPB. I hope you have a GREAT week!

Jennifer Sikora said...

I don't think I will ever get through this long list of wonderful bloggers! Stopping by to visit from the UBP. Maybe one day I will get through this list. Hope to chat with you soon! I love your website! Hellooo from another Jesus freak!


Come visit me at

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Creative Commons License
Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.