Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Simplify My Life Sweepstakes ENDS 1/20/10

How would you like to start the New Year off with an HP Mini 110-1100 by Studio Tord Boontje PCs? That is what Mom Blogger and 5 time Olympian Dara Torres, and Windows 7 would like to do for you!

Check out the video of Dara below for inspiration. She uses the 3.22 lb HP Mini 311 with its full-size keyboard and 11.6” HD screen to balance a grueling training schedule with her family life and work on her upcoming fitness book. She also uses Windows® 7 features like Jumplists, Shake, Snap, and Pin to help her manage all her digital content. I checked these features out at the Windows 7 website and they are so cool! I think I like Peek the most.

As moms, we have an avalanche of stuff to do throughout our day. We're moms, employees, wives, taxis, meal & activity planners and so much more. We have to find a way to balance finances, family, friends and free time. When we have that free time, it's nice to be able to spend it enjoying ourselves.

Anyone out there a single parent? I am and I know that life can been even more hectic without someone to share the load. I have 4 kids (18, 16, 10, and 6), and it seems that there are very few times I have a breather. There's is always something going on. It would be nice to have a laptop to tote around to use between kids basketball games or during 2 hour practices! Sometimes later at night, it'd be nice to be cozy in my bed with a laptop instead of sitting upstairs at the desk clicking away on my desktop.

One way to enjoy and at the same time simplify our lives is to use the HP Mini 110-1100. It has Windows 7 already loaded and ready to go. I love the thought of portability because at this time the only person in my home who owns a laptop is my college age daughter. Personally, I'm stuck at the desk constantly.

Speaking of my daughter, since she's in college, she's only been home 2x since August. That's tough on a mom who's had her girl in her life for 18+ years! I'd love to be able to talk with her via the computer instead of the occasional text messages on our phones. My 16 yr old is looking at going out of state for college! Waaaaah!

Living in Minne"snow"ta we aren't near any family. My family lives in Virginia and we only get to see them every other Christmas. The boys' aunts and uncles live in Chicago and we try to see them at least once a year. Having a computer with a web cam would make those distances seem so much closer. Think of how great it would've been for my parents to see us all opening their Christmas presents?

Now for the good stuff! Dara Torres, Studio Tord Bonntje, and Mom Bloggers Club are giving away 3 HP Mini 110-1100 to three bloggers AND they are also giving away 3 HP Mini 110-1100 to three commenters of all the blogs!! How awesome is that?

Leave me a comment letting me know how you'd simplify your life if you had an HP Mini 110-1100. By leaving a comment you are entered into the giveaway! You must be at least 18 yrs old to enter as well as a resident of the US or Canada. Sweepstakes ends January 20, 2010. You must leave a way to contact you if you win either with your contact info in your profile or an email address! NO EMAIL/CONTACT INFO = NO ENTRY!

Entries will be judged by an esteemed panel of four judges starting on January 20. The grand prize winner will be announced on Friday, January 29, 2010.

Reader winners will be randomly drawn using Random.org and will be based on the order in which bloggers enter the sweepstakes and post on Twitter. Winners will be announced on Friday, January 29, 2010.

I will be so tickled if one of you wins! I have read each of your entries and if I had to choose one myself, I'd be at an utter loss! They are so amazing, and many situations that make winning this HP Mini so useful! All I can do is pray that at least one of you wins!! *grin*


Judy Joyce said...

I was a single mom for years so I know how tough it can be. Good luck with the giveaway and I hope I'm one of the reader random winners!

diane said...

i could take this with me and blog while at dr visits and other errands. thanks so much of the chance.

Linda said...

I would actually get things done, as I forget a lot. I could make up a daily schedule, weekly, and monthly for goals to set and accomplish. Something I can surely use!!! Please enter me. Thank you.

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Jefferie said...

Since having 3 operations for my back in the last 15 months,I would use it when walking and moving about is an impossibabilty. Thank you for the chance for a such a great and useful gift.

Luv2CUSmile said...

If I had an HP Mini 110-1100 laptop my life would be simplified by allowing me to more easily keep track of our 5 kids schedules along with ours. A huge plus having Windows 7 to assist in all of the applications and plug ins I will need to set up schedules, organize recipes, keep appointments and engagements straight so we don't run into conflicts, and store and edit my photos of everything "Us". It would also help me to get my Blog started and allow me to work on content and contacting product vendors while still engaging in family activities and supporting my family by literally being in two places at once! How awesome is that! This is an awesome giveaway but it is also an awesome product from HP!
LuvMoeDog2@ aol dot com

Mami2jcn said...

I've never owned a laptop before and would love to win one! This one is so sleek and beautiful, too.

I'd love to be able to check email while traveling.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

karenmed409 said...

I know a HP Mini would make all the difference with me also, while I am at home or on the go. I can quickly get to my photos and files, take notes, send a letter off to friends, teachers and family, able to work on my scrapbooks while sitting and waiting for the kids at band or dance practice,very lightweight to take with me on the go. I can easily use my calendar and look at our busy schedules. At night I can work on my blog, that really needs to be updated without waking anyone up, I can enjoy a little quiet Mommy Time.
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Marlene said...

I am a mother to one child, who is only 1,so I dont get a lot of "me" time,so this would be perfect for me while spending time with family, watching tv, or whatever. That way I dont have to do it only when I can fit it in. Thanks for this chance.
Lockhartfamily06 at aol dot com

Cheryl B said...

My toddler is 2, and a little diva; if I'm not paying attention to her, she's not happy. The only exception is she will play on her own at Barnes & Noble (they have a Thomas the Train table in the kids section), and so often, I've wished I had a computer then! If I had an HP Mini, I could do things on the go and work on getting my menu/shopping lists planned ahead of time instead of at the last minute, not to mention actually have time to respond to some of my old friend's emails with more than just a hi and a promise to write more later.

cwf said...

Something this small would be really convenient for me since I need a computer for work and it is light enough to take on the bus every day. I could check e-mails & bills on the commute. My old laptop was actually stolen recently so I would love a new one! Good luck!

AboutTreasureTrooper at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

It would be great to have an HP Mini laptop. I could check e-mail and look for good coupons and deals while sitting at my kids' football and baseball practices. I would like to have a Mini laptop because it's portable, and I could use it outside while my kids are playing.


Not Everyones Mama said...

I would take it with me everywhere, just like my Kindle, but on the laptop I could actually get stuff done. LOL Good luck!

Jenny said...

I would make things a lot easier for us. Right now we are using a laptop that is not ours. We have to return this laptop when my husband graduates.

Jblanton said...

I would be able to use it while in the kitchen in between cooking, doing dishes and other housecleaning chores. It would be much better than the desktop

Anonymous said...

We love to travel and are on the lookout for an ultra-portable laptop! It would make it so much easier to keep up with family via email and our blogs. Thanks for the chance!

untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

Jus and Kat said...

An HP Mini would definitely help simplify life around our house. We've never owned a laptop before and we're always on the go, so the sheer convenience and portability of the HP Mini would be worth its weight in gold. Plus, my husband is going back to school in next month, and winning this would be so great for us!

Diane said...

My BFs mom needs this so if i won i would give it to her. She needs knee surgery so she wouldnt be able to move around a lot so a laptop would be ideal. She also goes on vacation a lot and a laptop would help her keep intouch with us since we all worry about her!

Megan said...

School is the number one reason this would simplify my life. It is so difficult to work, raise a family and try to further my education with a great lap top it could really help me stay focused.

Darcie K. said...

Oh the things that I could do if I had an HP Mini! I could pay bills, respond to emails, do homework, and read blogs all while waiting for my daughter while she is at cheer/hockey/dance practice! Thanks for the chance!

Heather R said...

Since I am an full time stay at home mom, I try and help out my sis in law by watching my nieces as well as my daughter on a daily basis. I am not always able to get onto my computer since I am having to constantly watch the girls. If I was fortunate enough to win I would be able to sit in the living room or even sit outside with the girls while they play and be able to actually be able to finish a project, make the grocery lists, or just be able to stay up to date on all the blogs. Thanks so much for the chance to win such a great and helpful prize!

Heather Ransom
THRansom at cfl dot rr dot com

The Riebeek Family said...

The Web cam is the feature my husband and I would like the MOST all though there are many. We too have family in different parts of the country and they all have a web cam for christmas they watched eachother open gifts. We would love to be a part of that too!

stephland3 said...

I would love to win this! It would help me to simplify my life by being able to look recipes up right in my kitchen, I could have it available so the kids could do their homework anywhere. We are always on the go so this would be perfect for our family!

MPuanani said...

Much blessings to you Mimi, I once was a single mom also and know the feeling. I'm always on the go, so it would help out alot. I like the web cam feature, would be great for meetings!


Unknown said...

if I was able to win this I would give it to my girlfriend's 22yr old daughter so there would be another way besides her cell phone to keep in touch with her


LV said...

If I won this, I'd be able to organize my recipes I've collected from across the web, my bills and other household records in one central location for easy access.

Linda Kish said...

I could carry it around with me and maybe I could get more done.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would use it as a Day Planner! my friend just received one for Christmas and they are so awesome!

Jennifer H said...

Wow, what an awesome giveaway! The HP Mini 110-1100 laptop would simplify my life because I just opened a small in home daycare. This would help me keep track of all the kids feeding, sleeping, changing schedules. This would be a wonderful addition to my new found business! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Deanna said...

An HP Mini 110 would simplify my life by allowing me to keep up with all of my computer activities (blogging, emailing, entering contests, social networking, surfing the Internet, etc.) when I'm not able to be on my laptop (which just so happens to be an HP) for whatever reason. With 4 kids, the reason I'm not able to be on my laptop could be anything! :O

Lydia A. said...

I'd love to be able to use this while traveling instead of having to carry my friend's laptop through airport security!

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

With (soon to be) 10 homeschooled children sharing one computer, winning this computer would certainly simplify our SCHEDULE.

Gumby / Mommy Zebra said...

I would juet love the easr of carring this HP mini around places. Due to a connective tissue disorder most of my joints dislocate at the most random times making carrying things almost impossible at time...(I have not carried my sone sice before he was 12 months old!!) So to have something that I can take on the go to get things done and organized would be awesome!

Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!



Jamie said...

Oh I would love to win this! I would like a smaller laptop that would be more portable so that I could take it with me when I go visit my mom. Thanks for the great giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I can completely sympathize with you on the hectic hurricane of being a single parent (my husband had to work out of town much of last year and I was for all intents and purposes a single parent to 3 kids and 2 dogs). I felt like a chicken with its head cut off. I know having a laptop such as this would simplify simplify simplify! My husband may have to leave to work out of town again and I would love to have a laptop with a webcam so the kids can communicate face to face in a way. and I could make sure he's eatin' well! I hope you win for your blog post and I have my fingers crossed that my comment is a lucky one!

Andrea Hatfield said...

I have never had a laptop and would love to be able to take my computer with me when I'm on the go with my two busy boys! I would also love to be able to connect with my family that lives four hours away.

Good luck to you!

tanyetta said...

I would love to win the HP mini. Please, count me in for a chance to win. Thank you.

tanyetta at hotmail

Twincere said...

Good Luck to you!
This HP 100 Mini netbook would be a blessing to our family, too, as we only have one old desktop to share amongst our family of 7. We rely heavily on spreadsheets, lists,email and schedules, etc. to streamline our day to day activities, and the portability of the HP 100 mini would make it so effortless and stylish. Plus, mobile computing would be perfect to pass the time--when time seemingly stands still--like when waiting in a doctor's office!

Good Luck!

VickieB said...

The beautiful HP Mini 110-1100 by Studio Tord Boontje would make it perfect for on-the-go computing

Nancye said...

Winning this computer would simplify my life when I am in the hospital, which is quite frequently. Having this small computer would allow me to connect to my friends and family when I am not able to see them. It would definitely be a spirit lifter! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

bless their hearts mom said...

i would love to simplify my life by taking the net with me wherever i go and being able to fill down time with active work on my blog!

would love to win!

Unknown said...

I would love to have a HP mini! I am a very busy mom of two teenage sons and am always on the go. It is so portable I could take it everywhere with me!

Shelley said...

I have twins with special needs. We have lots of Dr. appointments, ARD's, special olympic events, & a crazy calendar I could use help with. Also, I could get somethings done on the computer while they're out in the pool or at their appointments. Thanks!

Peggy said...

HP would simplify my life with this amazing mini!1 I can go outside and enjoy nice days,go everywhere and do everything and still be connected!!
I love this HP Mini

Kerrie said...

how you'd simplify your life if you had an HP Mini 110-1100?

I could spend more time with my 3 boys by being in the same room as them when I have to do my work!


Heather! said...

Wow...this would simplify my life in sooo many ways! Being able to take it with you, whether around the house or on the patio or even on errands, would allow me to get so much more done! No more jotting down notes on my hand (yeah, yeah...I do that!) to try to remember to do or to check something online. I could just do it. It would be amazing! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Anne said...

This would make my life a lot simpler, I could work even when I am waiting for my kids to finish piano or dance lessons.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Lois S said...

I would like it because it the the perfect size to take with me wherever I go

Unknown said...

In life, we are always taught that bigger is better. Well, that does not hold true for all aspects of my life. I am a mother. With this comes tons of responsibility. With all the chaos in the morning (getting son ready for school, me work), I’m lucky if I leave the house with a matching pair of shoes. I like order, planning, and to be on-top-of-it type of gadgets. If I win the HP 110 mini notebook, I may be able to gain some time – one that was lost in all the madness we call life – because I will be organized again. I can check my mail,respond, make appointments, create schedules, and socialize again. Besides, who wants to tote a laptop around the size and weight of a newborn baby? Heck, I mine as well get a sling for it (just kidding). The HP 110 mini notebook proves that big things can come in small packages

Lacey said...

i recently married and moved away from my family that i am very close too and now my computer is starting to go on the fritz! i could use a new computer that I can email video chat and blog to keep in touch with my family. I have been blogging about the doom of my computer.
travelinglacey [at] gmail [dot] com

Diane Schmidt said...

What a wonderful giveaway, thank you for the opportunity. The HP Mini would help me simplify my daily life, by allowing me to help my family stay in closer contact with family that lives 3,000 miles away that we are not able to see often. Skype sounds great for that. I am always on the go. It would help me get stay on a better schedule with my blogs,I have quite a bit of down time while sitting in my car and waiting for my kids to get out of school, as well as each has an activity that I wait for them to complete most days. I would be able to get blog posts prepared as well as keep up with appointment requests for my in home hair studio and even allow me to send some much needed emails to stay in touch with friends real-friends that know life is sometimes so busy we aren't able to get together but will know how much I need and appreciate their support and friendship. It would allow me more quality time with my children if these items were completed in the down time than when they are home, but when they get home there is always hours of homework and lot of questions to answer and It would be so convenient to have it close by to find a quick answer so that I don't look as though it has been so many years since I was in school and have forgotten so many things I once knew. I would love to be better connected to my community and hope to gain more clients and help my business stay afloat. I feel it would be beneficial to keep me better connected in this high tech world we are in. I have a blog for my hair studio as well as a blog for my other interests such as food, crafts, and family. I would love to be able to use twitter when I'm away from home, as I see there is so much going on and have missed so much by the end of the evening when I am able to get on my desktop, I feel out of the loop. I live on the west coast and find I'm missing the communication from the other time zones. I have found it difficult to stay current with the high tech world and know this will help simplify my life. Truly.

Cassie said...

The HP Mini 110-1100 laptop would really simplfy my life in that between my two jobs and my volunteer work for two non-profits, I am constantly on the go. A HP Mini 110-1100 laptop would enable me to stay on the go, yet still be efficient. Oh please pick me! The possibility of the great work I could do with this laptop is real!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i would love to win this for my daughter. she is the best!

kjmaje said...

I would love to win this because I would like to be able to keep in touch with my parents who live 100 miles away. I feel bad that we live far enough away that they cannot see their 3 grandchildren on a regular basis. I would love to be able to send pictures and videos to them so thay can watch the kids grow up!

Thanks for the giveaway!

kjmaje at gmail dot com

Marie said...

Well, needless to say I would love to win this, my life certainly needs more organization and this would be a big help. After all, I have a demanding husband, two even more demanding kids, three very spoiled cats, a completely hopeless dog, an insomniac hamster and a duck who seems to have decided that our backyard is much better then going south (or anywhere else for that matter!). So really I need help keeping all of them in some kind of order -- or maybe just myself :-)


Laree said...

Hmm, is there any reason someone wouldn't want to win one of these?

How about the fact the computer I currently use is 8 years old and Dieing piece by piece. How about the fact that I'm a busy mom of 3 (well, 3 in another week!) and I love the idea of a portable way to connect. How about the fact that I love the HP brand (they make the BEST printers).

Yup. I'd love this one!

bookwormbaby at hotmail dot com

Thao said...

I was looking at the HP mini Tord and Windows 7 and love all the features of both. The laptop is beautiful and Windows 7 features would really simplify my life. I love that it has a large HD and it has quick access features to find the files I need. And there is fast web surfing.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Ugh! Like you, I'd love to LEAVE MY DESK!


Anonymous said...


This is a great giveaway and the first I've entered. I would use the laptop to track my husband's chemo/lab/dr appointments, my son's doctor appointments and drug therapy, and my weekly dr. appointments.

Along with this I am looking for a job as my husband and I are both out of work. In my spare time I am starting a non-profit organization to help low-income people glean food from fields, and orchards along with presenting classes on canning/preserving, budgeting, couponing, and community resources,
This is a big task but heart warming to see people pulling together to help themselves and their neighbors.

I hope and pray I am the winner for this would make a huge impact on my community.

stvfix@yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! After having lost my mother unexpectedly I treasure the time I have with the rest of my family. My father is in poor health 2000 miles away, my daughter and her wonderful cute granddaughters live all the way across the country, and I have family scattered throughout the midwest. Being able to be in each other's lives would be wonderful and make the pain of losing my mother bearable.

stevenandpatfix dot com

Jessica said...

Wow! I could do so much with this, but I think the best part would be able to get in touch with my in-laws in Georgia.


the Gardners said...

Having the mini would simplify my life because I wouldn't have to shut all my work down before the kids got on the computer. I'd just be able to leave it up and go do what I need to and then come back to it. And no competing with the hubby, either!

the Gardners said...

I forgot to leave you my email on that last comment....

Having the mini would simplify my life in that I wouldn't have to shut all my work down to let the kids on the computer or to help them with something...and no competing with the hubby!

muechelle (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cathy said...

I would love to be one of the reader random winners! Thank you for the great giveaway.

Cathy said...

Wow! I did not know there was a mini! Isn't that just neat?? I think this would simplify my life in that it would allow me to keep my "brain" in one place! 5 children 7 years old and under...is that possible??

Anonymous said...

I would love having the convenience and portability of having a computer for on the go. I wear several different hats as a wife, mom, proofer, writer, teacher, cheerleading coach, and associate pastor's wife. It would be great to be able to work when I have down time to keep up with the busy pace of these ministries.

Jennifer A. @ cinderellamom@att.net

The Litrenta Family said...

It would be so great to be able to bring the computer along places so that I can stay on top of emails and blogs while traveling! Life would be so much simpler when coming home rather than having to spend a whole day on the computer to catch up!

hlitrenta at gmail dot com

Stacey said...

I could use this to get some work done when I have some downtime (like waiting at doctors appts, etc) or when I want to sit outside!


adrian said...

Would make life easier b/c I could use this while we are visiting relatives that live out of state who do not have a computer.
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

Andrew Scharff said...

As a mom of one, with one on the way I am always on the go. Between caring for my son, my part time job and the volunteer work I do I could really use a computer that is easy to take with me everywhere I go. Thanks!

Robin Scharff

superpaige said...

As a busy mom of five kids, we are often on the road for soccer, basketball, play practice, etc. I would love to be able to check in or email from all these different places.

superpaige at ericksonfamily dot com

Jennifer H said...

As a first time mom who left her corp job to be home w/her little one because I just couldn't bare my days w/o him-I have learned to adapt, but it wasn't easy. I am a very social person and love to interact w/ppl, but my son comes first. I decided to start a small in home daycare to help keep our income afloat as my hubby is a Teacher, and well we all know how they get paid much too little for their job. I love to take the kids out and about for field trips and it would be lovely to have a handy dandy HP mini to keep things in order. This way I do not have to carry their folders around and I seem to be always looking for a pen. This will greatly make a difference in me staying on top of their feeding/changing/sleeping schedules. Thanx so much for the chance to win! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Steph said...

This would simplify my life because I could send this with my husband when he goes on his (too) frequent trips for work.

Rachel McGuire said...

I would use the Mini to organize my chores, make grocery lists and note pads, search recipe sites while in the kitchen without having to print them out (saving paper / ink and tree's) I could have all my friends at arms length and take them with me everywhere I go. The possibilities are limitless.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this laptop! The features seem like they would help me to organize my various part-time job duties, schedule bookkeeping tasks, and do things as they need to be done no matter where I'm at. I would love a mobile office! I especially love the idea of the full-size keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I would actually fulfill my resolution to meal plan and spend less money at the grocery store. Thanks for the chance!

1955nurse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
1955nurse said...

I'm not a single Mom, but I AM a Grandma who: 1) Goes thru SERIOUS baby withdrawl every time I have to leave my Grandson who lives 5 1/2 hrs away (& we only get to see abt 1X permonth) & 2) Doesn't have a computer @ home and has to use the 1 @ wrk. I would LOVE to be able to send pics to family/friends (we live in AR - our family lives in MN, IL, TX & NC!) especially to my Father-in-law who now has a Great-Grandson, & is feeling particularly alone as we lost my Mom-in-law this past Fall - they were together almost 60 YEARS!!! What a blessing this HP mini-laptop would be to our whole family!!! Thanks for the chance to win :))

Sunnymommie said...

If I have mini laptop and it will more easy for me to sit or around my kids, because we are deaf.. I have to hawk on them because I cant heard them play upstair.. I would love to sit read blogs and etc.

I would love to win mini laptop...

thanks for the chance!


Bombtastic Belle said...

I would take the mini with me on our trips to TX from FL so that I can keep in touch with everyone. We're also trying for our first baby, and this would be great to have to update my blog for our families on how life is going.

Niurka said...

It would simplify my life by providing something I can use to organize my life, such as schedules and where to revise my resume.

Deane said...

I would love to win this mini. It would definitley help organize and simplify my life.
deanenpr at yahoo.com

Unknown said...

How would this simplify my life? Renewed mobile computing ability! syner4 at yahoo dot com.

Susan said...

This would be a super cool homeschooling tool! Good luck to everyone!

Vanessa said...

Good Luck!

Groovy Baby Blog said...

I would love to have this cool Laptop, I think it is so important to have one like for networking with my friends, costumers, and family and to keep in touch with all around!
Angela Ison

jamaise said...

You said it - I am so thankful I'm not a judge. There are so many great posts and great comments! Good luck to us all :))

Unknown said...

I would love to win this. It would really simplify my life being a mom of 2 under 2 with lots of goals and dreams. Good luck!

Nicole Brady said...

We used to live far from family also and it's very hard. I hear you. Got a good giggle out of Minne"snow"ta!

I entered also. Good luck to both of us. If my post doesn't win, at least maybe my comment will. :)

MarilynT said...

I'm a Young Grandma, and would use this mini laptop to stay in contact with all my busy daughters, to keep up with the latest dish on the grand kids, even when I'm on the go myself.
Marilyn T

tina reynolds said...

a hp mini would be an awesome pc to have thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com I love the size

Sams842 said...

I would love a new HP mini!

Good Luck!

Nelsby said...

I am in the process of trying to start my own business and I currently work from home...but I rarely stay in one place with my laptop. As I suffer from degenerative disc disease in my cervical spine - coupled with a heavy laptop - changing my "workspace" throughout the day is NOT an easy task.

The HP Mini would simplify my life by allowing me to move my computer from place to place on my own...no more bothering the rest of the family! This netbook would be a true lifesaver!

Thanks so much!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

Crap totally forgot to put my email address with my message!!


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Creative Commons License
Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.