Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: 4 Wheeling


I know, my boys don’t have their hats on. Ugh, they were such stinkers & wanted to prove to one of the teen boys they dig how cool they were!

Make sure you check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Beautiful Mess, and Two of a Kind.


Veronica Lee said...

Looks like fun! I wanna ride one too!

Happy WW!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

:) At least it was all fun.

Tarasview said...

my sons would love to be doing that :)

Genny said...

Boys! lol

Found you through 5MinutesforMom... happy WW!

Dee said...

We LOVE riding fourwheelers here! WOW, that looks cold!

LadyD Piano said...

Oh my, snow... hardly ever in So Cali!

Little Hatchlings said...

this looks like so much fun! I can't believe that you already have snow. That's a difficult concept for me to grasp since I'm still living in 80 degree weather here in FL. :(

Carrie said...

do kids EVER keep their hats/mittens/coats on? I'm always fighting with mine :)

nomo wino daph said...

HOW FUN!!! My kids wouldnt know what to do with snow! Gotta love the south!

Great blog!! I am your newest follower. Please stop in cause I have a linky too! Also, we host a Home Tour Tuesday that you may want to play along with!!

Have a blessed day:)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast even for boys with cold ears.

Daenel T. said...

Boys! What are you gonna do? My kids do that all the time. It's 30 degrees but they'll go out in a short sleeved tee and a sweater.

simplegirl said...

Congratulations on winning a gift at Design it Chic. I am also now a new follower on your lovely blog, be sure to visit us.

Ascending Butterfly said...

I always have trouble with this picture linky thing, but I wanted to thank you for stopping by today! (Hey, why didnt you enter anything while you were visiting?) Love this pic, look like the boys are having F-U-N! :-)

Help! Mama Remote... said...

I feel like I'm on hat patrol every morning.

Anna said...

Your boys look like they are having a blast in the snow! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Shannon said...

I just can't get over the snow...Thanksgiving week it was in the 70s here! New follower here from over at my friend Daphne's blog.

Hope you had a great weekend.



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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.