Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Boys Fishing Tournament

Fishing Tourney

fishing tourney 2

Fishing tourney 3My camera battery died as I was trying to get these photos off of it so had to wait until this morning to get my Wordless Wednesday up! I can’t promise anything, but this should be my last ice fishing post! LOL

Make sure you check out these WW participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, A Nut In A Nutshell, and Musings From A Stay At Home Mom.


LadyD Piano said...

I am enjoying your ice fishing series. Great photo collages! What type of bait is your son using? I love ocean fishing, our son likes lakes and streams. I was wondering, what kind of fish do you catch where you live? Curious minds want to know! :)

TheAtticGirl said...

Brrr, that looks like a cold way to fish!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

You're such a good mom to be out there with them on a frozen lake.

Anonymous said...

This looks like fun, but cold.

Erika said...

How fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog & for your sweet comment!
Musings From a SAHM

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.