We are big book readers. Always have been. I introduced my kids to reading at a very early age. Some of my favorite time with my kids were listening to audio books. We’ve used them on trips and quite time at home. One To Grow On (http://www.kids-audio-stories.com/) is a series of audio CDs teaching and inspiring kids.
My Review:
Each story takes us on an adventure and while on that adventure children, and parents, learn life skills such as courage, thinking positively, taking risks, and honesty. And those are only in the Making a Difference in the World series.
An aspect I enjoyed in this story is that Trenna takes our children sometimes to another world. I think for kids to learn how the characters in her stories deal with obstacles or right decisions will help them apply it to their own lives. The audio series allows our kids to use their imaginations and see how others handle life situations.
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Here’s a chance to win Making a Difference in the World CD series.

Required: What is a core value you want your children to learn?
Giveaway open to US residents only 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email in the required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 4/7/11 at 11:59 PST. Winner has 48 hours to respond.
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About One to Grow On!
One to Grow On! audio stories promote self-responsibility and make great travel and bedtime companions. They motivate and encourage high self-esteem, honesty and positive values, and provide great moral teachings. These audio stories are great as CDs or MP3 downloads for kids to play on their iPods.
The core values and ideas at the foundation of the One to Grow On! Audio Stories are love, high self-esteem, the power of the imagination, accepting what is, giving up excuses and blame, taking responsibility, and encouraging that happiness comes from within.
The One to Grow On! stories are available for purchase on the series’ Web site, http://www.kids-audio-stories.com/, http://www.amazon.com/, http://www.spokennetwork.com/, http://www.barnesandnoble.com/, and also at http://www.borders.com/. They will also be available soon at iTunes and the Barnes and Noble Bookstores.
About the Author:
When not writing children’s books, Trenna uses her education at Mt. Hood College and the UCLA Design School in California to express her art. Among her credits: a series of greeting cards for Island Heritage. Her work has appeared in Aloha Airlines Magazine and Artists of Hawaii, and in the Collectors Galleries on Maui and Kauai. The Palms Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas commissioned Trenna to produce southwestern pastels for its hotel. Her work also hangs in numerous resorts around the world, including Sandals Resort on Negril Beach in Jamaica. She currently shows in galleries in both Vail and Aspen, Colorado.
I want my daughter to treat others the way she would want to be treated. The Golden Rule. We are southerners and Christians so I want her to be kind to everyone. I absolutely love being from the south and having southern hospitality. Love it.
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honesty i want them to know to allways to tell the truth..
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Honestly, I just want my kids to grow up knowing God. I think when that relationship is in place, everything else eventually falls into place. But, if I had to pick, I'd say...I want them to serve/love others.
raleneburke at yahoo dot com
This is my first visit to your blog after being a follower on Twitter for awhile. :) I'm now following your blog too!
raleneburke at yahoo dot com
Oh yea, does being a twitter follower already count? lol...
raleneburke at yahoo dot com
It is hard to narrow it down to one, but I would probably have to say honesty. This would be great for my son. He has Aspergers and we have to study social skills and the like over and over.
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I want my children to care for other.
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