by Lori Copeland
Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2763-5
About the Story
When Cade Kolby rode his horse out of town hot on the trail of a wanted man, he didn't wonder how he would leave the bounty hunter lifestyle behind.Now the deaths of his sister and brother-in-law prompt a return visit and Cade once again sees Zoe, the fiery redhead he left so many years ago. He promised Zoe he'd come back. Seeing the beauty that has grown both inside and out, watching her love the children his sister left behind, Cade wonders anew why he never did return. Yet a bounty hunter cannot form the kind of ties he now desires. Wanted men will only see his loved ones as pawns to hurt Cade.
So Cade must walk away again, this time from both the woman he loves and his sister's children. There's no other way. Or is there?
My Review
I love heading to the Wild West with Lori Copeland. I always enjoy her characters and the story she weaves around their lives. I haven't met a Copeland novel I haven't liked!
Cade Kolby is headed home after his sisters death. He has his neices and nephews that he has to find a home for and a young lady he'd loved and left for a life as a bounty hunter. It's not astonishing that he will have a lot on his plate when he gets "home".
Zoe has been taking care of Addy's children since she'd died and desperately wanted to keep them. The only issue would be Cade and she was so mad at him for leaving her 15 yrs prior she had no interest in seeing him other than to get custody of the children. Then Cade could leave and they could all get on with their lives.
Of course, nothing is as easy as that! Cade comes back and Zoe sees that he's even more handsome than when he left. Cade sees that Zoe has grown into a lovely young woman! The two of them did their best to keep their thoughts only toward the children. The children are smitten with their uncle and love spending every moment with them. Cade didn't realize how quickly he would be come attached to them. Finding a home for them wouldn't be easy.
It was fun watching the spark between Cade and Zoe. I was frustrated that Cade never truly (even in the end) seemed to accept that he had broken a promise to Zoe and broken her heart. He said he was sorry for not coming back, but still seemed to blame Zoe for marrying while he was gone and not writing to him. Like Zoe had said, she wanted Cade to come back because he wanted to, not because she'd made him. I think every lady here would agree that we'd wonder for the rest of our lives if he came back for us, or out of a sense of obligation. To me, Cade never really got that in his heart.
Aside from that, I loved the story! The town came together to take care of their own, when people got sick and when bad guys came to town. Zoe was so determined to take care of Addy's children and loved them fiercely. Like Zoe, I kept waiting to see if Cody would actually leave! There some really funny moments throughout A Kiss for Cade. I think Pop was one of my favorite characters.
If you'd like the opportunity to win A Kiss for Cade, leave a comment letting me know what your favorite historical novel is.
Giveaway is open to US residents at least 18 yrs of age. Void where prohibited. Giveaway will end 2/25 at 10pm CST.
About the Author

My favorite historical novel is Hidden Places by Lynn Austin. This book looks good, please enter me!
I am a follower. :)
Sounds like a good read. A bounty hunter's life is almost as bad as a truck driver's over-the-road. Tough on families.
Please enter me. Thank you.
desertrose5173 at gmal dot com
I liked the Creed series by Linda Lael Miller
msboatgal at
Thanks for a great review and contest! My favorite historical romance is "Ashes in the Wind" by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss.
Please enter my name in the drawing. I am a follower and subscriber.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
My favorite historical novel is probably Leave A Candle Burning by Lori Wick. I love her writing!! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!!
I appreciated your review and would love to read this book, Mimi. I've enjoyed Lori's books before and the cover just pulls me right in.
A historical that I read last year is one of my all-time favorites: Daughter of Liberty by J. M. Hochstetler. Set during the American Revolution, this book is full of intrigue and has one of the best romances stories I've ever read.
Thanks for the chance to win A Kiss for Cade.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Sarah's Key was a great novel!
My favorite historical series would be the Alaskan series by Tracie Peterson; The Yukon Quest and The Alaskan Quest. Please include me in the drawing for A Kiss For Cade. Thanks!
My brother and I are currently enjoying the series of three books about the Civil War by Shelby Foote. I have always loved "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee." It may not be considered historical, but this book really covered what it was like to be captured and then live with the Native American Indians.
Thank you,
Wow! My favorite historical novel... I really like Gilbert Morris' House of Winslow series. I also like Stephen Bly's books. I don't have just one!
wsmarple at gmail dot com
I would love to win a copy of this book. It sounds great! Please enter me. My email address is shryackmom[@]charter[.]net
I enjoyed reviewing the first book in this series by Lori Copeland so I'd love to read the next. I love the historicals by Siri Mitchell.
Am interested in reading Lori Copeland. Please enter me.
I love Lori's book, just finished the series "Men of the Saddle" and on the back of the first one is Lori all dressed up in her Fancy dress and bonnet of the peroid.
May God Bless
My all time favorite historical is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I also love Lori Wick's historicals.
For some reason, Tom Sawyer jumps to mind as my favorite. I love all the Janette Oke ones, too.
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:
I've enjoyed several series by Gilbert Morris and his daughter.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
i enjoyed reading 'redeeming love' by francine rivers.
Wow it is hard to decide what my favorite is. Recently I read a wonderful book called Night Song based in the WWII era.
My favorite is Quakertown by Lee Martin.
I would love to read this. I love Lauraine Snellings books. She has a series called red river that is fantastic.
I don't really have "favorites", but I do very much enjoy Gone With the Wind. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Great review!
I really quite enjoyed A Kiss for Cade and am a big fan of Lori Copeland.
I really enjoyed the story line of this western romance and I *do* have a weakness for a great western and this one came pretty close to meeting that bill. The abundant loss and grief in the story was disheartening at times although not many characters died during the story. The conclusion was pretty much expected from the very first chapters of the book and there weren’t too many major plot surprises.
I posted a more in-depth review of my own at
I would love it if you made a guest post on my blog some day.
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