Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Handstand

Proving to my boys that YES I can still do a handstand!


Unknown said...

LOL, that's impressive. Pretty sure I could never do one without the help of a wall!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

OMG, my DD7 and I were just talking about this yesterday. It's been years since I tried and now I'm scared of breaking a hip!! lol

Good for you!


Catch My Words said...

Glad you can. I can't.


Bruce Sallan said...

Lookin' GOOD, Mimi!

Create With Joy said...

You're so awesome! I could do cartwheels when I was younger but never a handstand!

Would love to hear from you when you have some time! :-)

kewkew said...

Way to go! I never could do a handstand.
Were they impressed.

KristinFilut said...

Look at you, rock star!!

alicia said...

Whoa! Look at you! You go girl!!

Danielle @ We Have It All said...

OMG I love that!! I had to prove to my girls I could to a cart wheel not too long ago, but I could NEVER do a hand stand! I'd tip right over, haha :)

yeewittlethings said...

hahaha awesome!! I haven't done one in a LONG time...it might be embarrassing if I attempt one :P


Unknown said...

Ha ha ha you're a rockstar!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

You go girl!! ;)

Felicia said...

Awesome! Can you still do a backhandspring like me? Just kidding! I have long since lost that ability!

Liz Mays said...

Now you're gonna make me go see if I can! brb

Ok, I had to go somewhere away from windows to try. It didn't feel good, I gotta say, but I did it. ;)

Mama Chocolate said...

I have never been able to do a handstand...I'm impressed!

Megan C. said...

I can't do one ever, lol congrats

Tree said...

You go girl!! I was a gymnast all through school and could still do splits and walkovers up to about 5 years ago.. told them now that I lost a good amount of weight, I was gonna show them again! lol

Whitney @ Momma Knows Best said...

Very impressive! I'm not sure if I could still do that or not. I think I'll go with "not".... I'm too scared to try it now, haha!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.