Thursday, September 27, 2012

Top 10 Things I Love About Fall

Ok, some weeks I look at Mama Kat’s writing prompts and I think to myself, “Pass, not a single thing on here I could even begin to write about” and then there are weeks like this where I could do a couple of them.

Today I’ll write about the things of fall that I love!

1. I love the changing of the leaves. Might seem funny, but I don’t remember the leaves changing all the years I lived in Washington. It’s the Evergreen State so, yah, it pretty much stays green all year long.

tree leaftree leaves

2. School is back in session. YES, my Wednesdays are mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine again and my boys get to do some learnin’ so they can support me when I’m old!

3. I love taking the kids to the pumpkin patch. Here in Minnesota we have an apple that’s called the Honeycrisp. It was created by the U of M I believe. Well, this apple is over $3/lb at the grocery store so I’m hoping it’ll be cheaper at the patch!

4. Ok, now I like getting my sweaters out and other cold weather apparel. I just dislike doing it in August! It gets cold very quickly here and I’m just NOT a fan of it! I have a coworker getting married next month and his invitation reads “flip flops and lawn chairs welcome”. I’m thinking there’s no way we’ll be wearing flip flops! Maybe a parka and snow pants!

5. I’m already thinking about my first batch of chili. I haven’t made it since the last time it was cold, maybe back in April/May. I’ll be making some tonight for a family from church, but the stuff for home won’t be made until this weekend. I can already imagine the smells!!

6. Are you ready for some football? This was the first year the boys and I had ever been to a Vikings football game. Yes, it was pre-season. Ask me if I care. We won, that’s all that matters to me. We had a great time (so that’s actually what mattered) I also loved playing Fantasy Football last year for the first time. I actually won my league (yep tooting my own horn), but they didn’t do another one this year. =/ Vikings game

7. The new Community Ed catalog comes out with the boys favorite sport to play…basketball. But guess what? They didn’t send it to me. For the first time in 14 yrs I didn’t receive mine and guess what? By the time Doodle started bringing home slips of paper from school talking about all the fun activities available, his grade for basketball was filled up. =(

8. Dead grass. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love green grass and I do enjoy mowing it, for the most part. I’ve got a very large lawn and it takes me either an entire day or a couple hours spread over a few days to get it all done. Now that Fall has arrived, no more mowing until next spring.

9. New kids tv shows. I remember growing up that with the fall came the start of a whole new series of my favorite tv shows. Now I get to ask my boys every Friday night if they’re excited about their new shows!

10. The cooler temps, shorter days and blankets of leaves. Ok, I’m totally lying because I couldn’t think of one more thing. Cooler temps mean winter is just around the corner and shorter days mean the sun is going to bed waaaay too early for my liking. I have a very good friend who’s husband and son (and last year her too) who have come the last two years to clean my lawn of a gazillion leaves. Pretty much every single tree in my yard has leaves that fall off. It takes forrrrever to get them raked so I’m ALWAYS thankful when they come over and blow them into piles so they can be dragged into the woods.

How about you? What are some of your favorite signs of fall?

Mama’s Losin’ It

1.) Describe a smell that brings back memories. (inspired by Darlingist Dr. Momsie)

2.) Tell a story (based on truth or fiction) where someone is playing with fire–literally or metaphorically–and probably shouldn’t be. (inspired

3.) Draw, label, and share the layout of your childhood home.

4.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: leaves

5.) Fall is here! List your top 10 favorite things about this Fall season.


Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

Chili and football...check! I've got the makings for veggie chili in my fridge right now! With The Boy playing, football tends to take over my life in the fall.

And I've already told you how much I miss the leaves!

Do you have an Upward program near you? Great Christian basketball program... it will probably be more expensive than the town league, but it's a GREAT program. WE've been playing that over the town league for four years!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I left football off my list! It defines Fall around here.

Just Another Mom of Twins said...

It's so funny, I am reading through all the top 10 lists and we all have similar loves of Fall! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I just made chili on Monday. I love cooking fall dinners.

Anne said...

I'm crazy about Halloween. I just love decorating for it. My daughter and I already decorated for it.. a bit early but I knew we had a free moment this weekend so we went ahead. I also agreed to let her have a Haunted Hotel party. Love that Fall is full of fun family holidays.

Jamie Miles said...

I can never get enough pumpkins and the leaves. My husband spent a good chunk of his childhood in Minnesota and he loves the Vikes.

Unknown said...

So, what will you do with a WHOLE day all to yourself? I'm a cooler-temp kinda gal (my aversion to sweating may have something to do with it) and fall is my favorite season because it's not too cold, not too hot, *just* the right weather. Also, love rain :)

Danielle Harper said...

I love many of the same things about fall.... I can't wait for the leaves to really start changing here. I have seen a few here and there so far, but nothing completely changed.

Laura Grace Andry said...

These writing prompts look like they could be fun.

There is so much to love about fall. I would have to say that one of my all time favorites is the change in leaves. Seeing all the colors is amazing!

carol daniels said...

I'm just about to make my first batch of chili for the season. Can't wait! Seems like it's been so long to eat something warm and hot on a chilly day. I am looking forward to cooler temps., carving pumpkins with the grand kids, and decorating for the holiday seasons coming up.

Melinda @ Mom on the Make said...

I totally agree with your list, especially the kids being back in school! :) I love apples in the fall too - they are always much crisper.

Tiffany said...

We have a very similar list!! :)

djgmom said...

Oh yes, our lists are quite different! I wish I could say I love football, but my husband doesn't just watch one team game - he watches all of them (college and pro), so it's on from morning til night all weekend. It's probably my least favorite part of fall.

Thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

I love your #2. My boys are only in preschool, but I cherish those hours they're having fun at school and I get some quiet time with my daughter.

And I made my first batch of chili last weekend. Love those soups in the fall!

Unknown said...

I love getting back into the school-time routine. And, I love the cooler weather.

Liz Mays said...

I love the crispness of the air and there's something about the sound of the dry leaves blowing that makes me happy!

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