Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cottonelle: Team Over or Under?

I've seen some commercials recently by Cottonelle about whether people prefer their toilet paper to come from over the roll or from under. For me, I pull the TP out of the wrapping, stick it on the roller and put it back, ready to use. I pay ZERO attention to how my TP rolls. :) But, to take a closer look at my rolls, they roll under. Must be the luck of the draw.

So, I am for the Team Under when it comes to Cottonelle. What team would you be on? Would you like to win a gift basket from Cottonelle? By leaving a comment on my post you will be entered to win 1 of 10 Cottonelle gift baskets randomly chosen on January 29, 2010!

I actually have a huge roll of Cottonelle in my closet that I bought just last week at work. I am trying to be 1 of 200 bloggers to win a months supply of TP!! You can visit Cottonelle here:

Leave a comment letting me know what team you're on. That will be your entry. Contest Ends January 29, 2010. Good luck and good wiping. :)


The Book Club Network - TBCN said...

This is funny. I hadn't really thought of this at all until a few years ago when a friend of mine asked me to put a new roll of TP in her bathroom and asked me to put the paper roll up. To be honest I didn't know what that meant--I admitt it. I didn't give this process too much thought but She went on and on about how this was benefitial. When I got home I realized that I did the same thing put the roll in over. I hadn't realized that's what I did on automatic. Doing this made it so much easier to find the beginning of the roll. So, it's funny this survey is taking place. It looks like the overs are winning!!

Ha! Ha! Funny!!

Thanks for having this contest.


Nora St. Laurent
Finding Hope THrough Fiction

annaed_2 said...

I most certainly notice and will change it (in my own home) so that it is from over the roll. LOL Funny topic!

Mimi N said...

Nora, I never thought about it until I was married. I didn't grow up with a dogma of which way the roll was supposed to go. As long as I can rip it off the roll, I'm happy as a clam. hahahaha I pull it out of the packaging and away I go. I think the reason mine roll under is because of how I pull it out. So, I'm an "under" by default.

This is pretty amusing.


bayctygrl said...

yay another under person! Looks so much better imo

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

Heather! said...

I think this is so funny, yet it's about time! No longer should this crucial issue only be argued in private quarters and in hushed tones! Let's get it out in the open, and let's make sure ALL toilet rolls roll UNDER!! :)
(Really love this...thanks for the laugh!)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

In this house, the rolls all go over. ;) This poll totally cracks me up, but I did vote. lol!

Mimi N said...

Isn't amusing to do something totally obscure like this? Like we don't have enough to argue about as it is! hahahaha We now have public division among the TP users of the world!


Mami2jcn said...

Roll over.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Denise said...

so OVER! "that's how i roll"

Amanda said...

I am part of team "over" because that's the way I hang the roll. Really I should probably vote for team countertop because that's where our rolls end up sitting.

Mimi N said...

Amanda, your post was hysterical! There should be a 3rd category for those of us who neglect to put it on the roll altogether! hahahaha

Nancy said...

Sign me up for Team Under.

Actually I'd also be glad to join the "If Anyone Else in the Family Will Add a New Roll of TP Any Which Way, It Will be Fine With Me" Team! LOL!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Mimi N said...

Nancy, that's so funny! I feel your pain! It seems I'm always the one to walk in w/out looking and then hoping there's tissue somewhere in that bathroom. How is it that we always get stuck?


h. mcnaron said...

Definitely team OVER I am surprised anyone isn't over!

Anonymous said...

When I do have the time to actually put one on the roll (and not just throw a couple of rolls on the back of the toilet) then I'm a team Over kind of a girl.

FreeKidsStuff said...

I am a roll over girl it is much more convenient. Thanks for the opportunity.

Wendi P said...

I am on team OVER and I make my family be part of team OVER, too. I wonder if my daughters will need therapy as a result ;-) ?

Katie said...

I am 100% on Team Over. I actually battle with my roommates because they are on Team Under, so we're constantly switching the direction!


Rachel said...

Definitely over! It drives me crazy the other way!! :)

Kristina said...

I am on team under all the way! I have recruited my husband as well, although he dosen't understand why. It took 5 years to get it to sink in... but now he puts it on RIGHT every time... what a guy!
khsavings @

Anonymous said...

I am an Over teh top kind a gal- in more ways then great contest.


Faith said...

I hadn't really cared at all until I got married and my husband INSISTS that the toilet paper come from under and gets upset when its not. So apparently I am on that team :)
faithcarpenter at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Team Over. That's how I was brought up and that's how I'm staying! Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

Team over. Thankfully my husband and I are on the same team!

Liz said...

Team Over!

one frugal lady said...

I am team over all the way! In fact, if I am someone else's house, that is an under... I totally change it! haha!

Jamie said...

Team Under!

The Litrenta Family said...

Team Over! Actually I don't care if it is over or under, but I prefer when there is a design that it is not upside down...hmmm sounds like I have a little OCD! hehe Thanks for the opportunity!

hlitrenta at gmail dot com

Jessica Morris said...

Team over here! I am the only one in the house who actually changes the roll, so it's always my way =)

The Boojes said...

I'm absolutely an "over" girl!

susanheindel at hotmail dot com

Cathy said...

Definitely on the team over. I can't help it. I try to let it not bother me, but it does. Free TP is a good thing. Thanks for the giveaway.

Tina said...

I never cared, but when I got married to a man who had been drilled to only do it over, I converted to keep the peace. So it's team over for us!

Anonymous said...

We are definitely team over. Have been for a long time. I am not too picky about it, but my husband is.


Young in TX said...

Team over but it doesn't really matter to any of us.


Stacey said...

My house is definitely team over!

Anonymous said...

Over. It's too hard to grab if it's under. Thanks!

mrvannice at hotmail dot com

Jennifer H said...

Team Over all the way! :) jenprincess88 at aol dot com

superpaige said...

Under, under, under.

Kathryn said...

I am an under too!

Springjoy said...

I'm silly. Mine ALWAYS goes over. Then I fold the ends up and make it look neat and tidy like they do at fancy hotels. My hubby does it either or. I don't care. I just switch it if I notice. :)

alaskawildrose AT gmail DOT com

Heidi said...

I like it over.

JuliaGulia said...

Team over.

Heidi Lassila said...

I am on team OVER! Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Unknown said...

We are on Team OVER.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Deane said...

Team Over!
deanenpr at

Bombtastic Belle said...

I'm team over :)

mel said...

Under under under!

jay said...

I have been converted since being married. My husband is a die hard over!

Tracey said...

Team over!


lollipoplamia said...

I went with over, but really I just stick it on however I'm holding it

Katie said...

I definitely roll if someone else does it at home the other way, I always fix it.

Mimi N said...

One Frugal Lady, that is hysterical that you change it at other people's homes! Can you imagine their reaction if they're fanatical about the way their TP rolls? hahahaha


Anonymous said...

Team Over, for sure!

Rachel said...

Team OVER!
rblevenick at gmail dot com

Sue D said...

I am definitely on Team Under!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...


8_princess at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I'm on the "over" team!

Rachel C said...

Team over!

Anonymous said...

Team Under.

madwoman-doing-cartwheels said...

I'm Team Over the Top and my Hubby is too so we don't have issues.

catmom1010 at gmail dot com

Coupon Teacher said...

Definitely over!

scottsgal said...

I'm in the minority but team under
msboatgal at

Anonymous said...

I voted Team Under :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Barbara Montag said...

I voted Team Over.
I've just always done it that way.

momtoem said...

Over is the way to go ;-)

Anonymous said...

team over at our house

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.