by Martha Rogers
ISBN: 978-1-59979-912-4
Publisher: Realms a Strang Company
About Becoming Lucy
Lucinda Bishop (Lucy) has lain both of her parents to rest and now must move West to family members in Oklahoma. But 1896 Oklahoma ranch life is far removed from the culture and society of Boston. Her aunt and uncle do their best to acclimate Lucy to her new life, though Lucy struggles with new found feelings for ranch hand Jake Starnes and longings for her former reality. Between Jake's past and Lucy's future, will she ever be able to live this new life?
My Review
Becoming Lucy is the first novel I've ready by Martha Rogers. I found it to be a sweet book. Her characters were very likable and I enjoyed getting to know them. Lucy is uprooted from the city life she's known after her parents die and goes to live with her aunt and uncle in Oklahoma. Not one to just throw her hands up in the air, she dives into country life.
Of course country life always involves a cowboy. A cowboy with a past no less. Jake has something to hide and when sparks fly between Lucy and himself, he knows he could be in even more trouble!
Personally for me, I have such a hard time handling the thought of a 17 yr old being in the role of getting married. Lucy wasn't, but I could sense that was the direction the author might go in and it kind of tainted the story for me. This is all a personal opinion mind you. I kept telling myself that this was how it was done way back when. Having an 18 yr old daughter might taint my view on it...just a little.
Another issue I have in stories is when the 2 main characters fall in love immediately. There's no build up. In this story it seemed like there was an attempt at a build up, but you could tell that the characters were "fighting" their attraction immediately. Again, it alters my view of the story and when that happens very early on, it's hard for me to keep my perspective.
And lastly, there were definitely some cliches in the story and when they happened it kind of threw me off. One of the biggest examples is when Lucy meets Luke, the "other guy". After talking to him for a few seconds, she's analyzing the fact that there weren't sparks. I was thinking, "yeah? and?"
I realize that some of these are personal preferences in a story. I understand that readers might love the fact that the main characters find each other so early in the story. That or a girl in the 1800's is marriage material. No, she doesn't get married and she turns 18 in the story. Again, I'm the mom of an 18 yr old, and even though we don't live in the 1800's it tweaks me out.
Now, on to the good stuff. There is a strong faith that runs throughout the story. Aunt Mellie and Uncle Ben are kind to the Indian family that lives by them when many in the community are rude. They turn the other cheek when they're accused of bad things. I also love that Mellie and Ben take their role as guardian of Lucy seriously. They want to protect her heart and remind Lucy that Jake isn't a believer so there can't be a relationship. They are concerned for her heart and you can see their outpouring of love to her and their children.
I would definitely read book 2 in the Winds Across the Prairie series. It was easy to like these characters. And besides, I'm a sucker for life on a ranch!
Would you like to win Becoming Lucy? Tell me how you'd feel if your 18 yr old child came to you and told you they wanted to get married. *grin* I think at first I'd probably flip my lid! I would rant and rave and go on & on. Then after I let off that insanity, I'd probably laugh hysterically. There is NO WAY I'd let my kid get married at 18. Yah, Yah, Yah, they're "adults". They can't even legally drink, why in the world would I want them to enter into a life long commitment? hahahaha Good thing we're not in the 1800's. I'd ship my kid off on the next train. =)
Giveaway is open to US Residents at least 18 yrs old. Must have an email/profile contact to be entered to win. No email/contact = No entry! Giveaway ends 3/10, 10pm CST. Void where prohibited. Winner has one week to respond to the giveaway or a new winner will be chosen.

Martha Rogers placed her faith in Jesus Christ 65 years ago. He has seen her through her step-father's sexually abusive behavior toward her sister and brother, her own breast cancer, two mastectomies, two miscarriages, her husband's heart attack, her grandson's cystic fibrosis, and the deaths of her parents. She holds a Master's degree in education and enjoyed a 36-year teaching career. To say she's an inspiration to those of us trying to walk a faithful path is a gross understatement.
I'd like to thank Rebeca at Glass Road Public Relations for my review copy of Becoming Lucy. As always, the opinions are specifically mine and your experience may differ.
*I have an update!! So, as part of the giveaway I stated that I would have a hard time with my 18 yr old daughter she's not getting married, that's not even funny! A good friend came over today and her daughter, who graduated with mine started dating a boy last June. He proposed on Valentines Day!!! I nearly fell over and immediately thought of this post!! She's 19 and he's 24. He asked her parents permission and they gave it. I guess it still happens today! He proposed to her at the front of the church because he said that's where he fell in love with the Lord! How awesome is that?
If I knew the young man, I wouldn't be too concerned except that she'd be missing out of college life/career. From past experience, the harder you push to stop it, the more they push in getting married. Prayer and some delicate conversations would be in order, the latter when possible.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I wouldn't let my 18 marry, but I am not married yet myself, so I can't be a good expert. :)
Hmm, this is interesting. It's kind of hard for me to say since I'm only turning seventeen in a few days. But I'd hope that if my child wanted to get married at eighteen that he/she would have already prayed very hard about it. If they told me that God had been leading them to marry this person, than I don't see how I could say no. I think it all has to do with what the situation is. Like Linda said I wouldn't be too concerned if I knew who it was. But, like I said, I'm only a kid myself so I'm probably not qualified to answer this question.
Hi Mimi,
If our eighteen year old son or daughter came and told us that they were getting married, I know that it would not be a surprise, because all their lives we have prayed for the "one" that the Lord has prepard for them. I know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, and because the person is the right one from the Lord, then all their days would be blessed and filled with grace. Therefore, we would be filled with joy that the Lord brought them together forever.
Hmmm... I'm not so sure how I'd feel. It would all really depend on how mature my daughter was, and if she really felt that God was leading her to marry the young man.
I would be standing at the door with my shotgun, waiting for my sweet loving daughter to bring the man who thinks he is good enough. I would cross examine his motives and bring out his true character. After that I would run him through a lie detector screening, just to see if he was who he said he was. If he passes all the tests I would give my consent.
I have no opinion on this matter... send them to Siberia and make sure that guy or girl they want to marry is on the FBI watch list.
In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" I feel that if my daughter came to me and said she was getting married and she felt the Lord was telling her that this was what His plan was for her, I'd have to agree. Yes, they are young, but if this is what God has in store for them, then I'd give my consent.
In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" I feel that if my daughter came to me and said she was getting married and she felt the Lord was telling her that this was what His plan was for her, I'd have to agree. Yes, they are young, but if this is what God has in store for them, then I'd give my consent.
At 18, a young person is... so young! I would pray and trust my daughter would be open to godly counsel and want to wait while getting to know a young man until she's a couple of years older. :-)
I'd love a chance to win Becoming Lucy.
I'm sorry, I forgot to put my e-mail!
You guys are so awesome to share with me. I want to be sure that you know I was kind of being funny when I said what I did about my kid(s) getting married at 18...KINDA. I know that if God had brought this person into their lives and they weren't going off half-cocked, then I would totally support them.
I do have to admit, I was actually clapping when I read Zach's reply. I kind of like the shot gun image. hahaha
I have to be mom and dad to my kids, especially my older girls so I'm kind of a split personality sometimes with my protectivness. They've never dated so I still don't know how I'd react to a boyfriend *grin*
I have boys... I'd probaby be against it at first--but, they have hard obstacles to climb WITHOUT having their parents on their side. Ya gotta love em and let em make their own mistakes... and who knows, maybe they aren't mistakes. My mom married my dad when she was 16! My maternal grandmother married my grandfather at 16... (neither ever divorced).
I have a 17 year old daughter right now who graduates in May - thank goodness she is not serious with anyone! I married her dad when he was 18 (I was 21) and we were divorced within 8 years - so I could tell her speaking from experience - not a good idea. We grew up (and grew apart) after we got married. Now, my 15 year old thinks she is seeing the guy she is going to marry... (big sigh)
kherbrand at comcast dot net
My children are grown and have families of their own, and they were at a good age when married. I do have relatives that have married very young, and bless them that they are still together and happy. I think 18 is too young, but I've never had that experience to go through so I can't say how or what I would do. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'd love to read Becoming Lucy. Thank you!
Hey Mimi!
See! I TOLD you I'd stop by soon *wink*
This sounds like a really cool book. I'll have to put it on my birthday list, lol!
Considering my 18th birthday is coming up on March 15th, this is a relevant-ish question. I think that I would be really upset first because who wants their child (CHILD being the key word here) married at 18 only? But then I'd start weighing the pros and cons of both sides. Even without the parent's approval, they might still get married, there might be no stopping them. So, personally, I'd rather be a part of my child's life in whatever way I can. I'd rather have them close to me married, so I knew what they were up to than off doing who knows what! Lol! Besides, they could've eloped instead of saying anything anyway *wink*
By the way, your post from yesterday (the one about blog awards, I think from the title) won't open. It's not linked correctly or something, that's what it says. So, it won't open for me, not sure if it's me or the post. Just thought I'd let you know!!
Talk to you later!!
wow being a mom of 2 young girls I am not sure how I would feel if one of them came to me. I think I would be suprised. I dont think that at 18 they would be ready and would try and talk with them and hear what there thoughts were.
Please don't enter me in your giveaway, Mimi! Great review, btw. I thought this book was just okay...the romance aspect was seriously lacking imo.
I dropped by to tell you that I have award for you here:
I would love to win this book
Please enter me
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Not only would I say you are of age it is your decision, I did say that. My daughter got married at age 18. My mother said the same thing to me, because I got married at 18 too. So far everything has worked out fine for me, and my daughter.
Reading your comments has been most interesting. If I were writing a contemporary novel, I wouldn't think of having an 18 year old heroine getting married. My grandparents married in 1903 when she was 18 and he was 21. They celebrated over 60 years of marriage before he died at the age of 82. Women grew up in a hurry in the 19th century. I taught Home and Family living for many years in high school, and those guys and gals were not ready for marriage. My boys were all out of college when they married and one of them is a grandpa now.
Look for the sequel comimg in May. Morning for Dove is the title and is the story of Lucy's best friend.
Thanks for stopping by.
derekannette at gmail dot com
I totally think it depends on the child and the spouse to be...but really, I think later is better.
I would have a hard time letting my daughter get married at 18, but I was only 20 when I got married and know many people who were married at 18 and are still very happily married. Good thing my daughter is only 3 and I have a long time before I have to worry about it!
I would advise my daughter against getting married at 18. I was 24 when I married, and I still didn't feel adequately equipped for the challenges it brings! I would want her to attend college, travel a little, help others, and be able to find contentment in the Lord before she embarks on such an important journey. So, yeah, I just might start polishing my shot gun NOW. :)
It would depend on how mature the daughter and guy were at the time...but I would likely give my blessing if I thought that was what God wanted.
I have a daughter that will be turning 18 on April 27th, so this question really hit home. Thankfully, she's not even dating right now so it won't happen...but, I'd say OK get engaged, but no marriage until after you finish college and start your career. Get married and hubby will be paying for your college...not mom and dad. It may seem harsh, but it is done out of love.
If my 18 year old wanted to get married the first thing out of my mouth would be "Did you pray about it?" She and her boyfriend would really have to impress me with their maturity and their life plan before I would even consider it. Then I would pray hard before answering. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!
I don't have that problem as my daughter has a daughter who is much older than 18 now. I did get married at 18 and 46 years later my husband and I are still together and very happy so would have probably let my daughter get married at 18 after a long talk. Please enter me in the drawing.
I would have a hard time giving my blessing at that young an age. I would want my child to go to college first. I guess if they were mature enough and could support themselves I'd have a hard time standimh in their way.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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